

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Us



<aside> ๐Ÿงผ Hello there! We hope you are safe and sound. We are a team of passionate youngsters who want to do our part in this fight against the pandemic. A group of IIT Madras students, we are fortunate for the mentoring and guidance that we received during our school days and from our seniors at college. Today we want to give back to society through a collective attempt at overcoming the consequence of disruption to education and learning amongst school children due to COVID-19. Our platform aims to bridge the learning gap by means of personal mentoring for School Students over video/phone calls by college students/mentors. This is a completely **volunteer-**based and virtual effort at co-learning. So, Lets Continue Education in COVID-19 crisis! CoEdu India! [email protected]


Join Us!

<aside> ๐Ÿค If you wish to be a part of this venture, either as a mentor or a mentee, fill the following forms. For Mentees (School Students): http://tiny.cc/coeduschool For Mentors (College students or graduates): http://tiny.cc/coeducollege If you are a teacher or educationist looking for collaboration or details: http://tiny.cc/coeducontact




Mentor Expertise:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

About Us

<aside> โ“ What ? One of the inevitable problems that emerged amidst the global pandemic of COVID-19, is of Education. Today as the world deals with unprecedented time, we, as a small group of students from IIT Madras want to do our part to mitigate the effects of the crisis. As students in the ongoing academic year face indefinite time indoors and many of them lack the proper guidance that schools and summer classes have provided, we bring to you CoEdu, an initiative where we will map school going children or their parents to college students that will act as mentors to maintain the continuity in education.

Why ? CoEdu is a learning platform that tries to bridge the learning gap by one-to-one mentoring provided to students over phone/video calls. Our community of mentors and mentees collaborates during the on-going crisis period and post the pandemic to provide a steep learning curve even during the crisis. Bringing together a pool of college students as mentors, CoEdu also provides a common repository of open-source learning aids that can be used as a welcome resource for any learner looking forward to getting help.

Find the core-team below. If you identify yourself as a mentor or mentee, head to the respective sections and welcome onboard CoEdu!


